

Friday, October 26, 2007

UEA Adventures and Other Stuff

I'm home from school today, because I have pink eye. EW!!! It's clearing up fast with the drops Mom puts in. I had lots of homework due and a test today. Oh well .... I'm glad that I get to blog. Here is a slide show of my fun UEA weekend. Even though that was forever ago.

Look how big and fat that green grape is compared to the purple grape. Weird. I was the only one that dared to eat the big green monster grape. It was good ------ juicy!
I lost 2 more teeth. So, now I only have 4 teeth that show in the front. It looks really weird. When I lost the second tooth - it was in the movie theater. It was out of the socket, but I couldn't pull it out because it was only on one string. My metal spacers really show now. When in the world are my teeth going to grow in?!!!!!!!

hahahaha - every time I see this picture, I laugh.


M- your favorite said...

OOH MISS your are so silly! I love your teeth picture! It's so awesome! It looks like you had a fun UEA weekend!

That grape is huge!!! I'm happy you ate it. It looks good. That is a fun blog.

I love you tons! I hope your eye gets better soon. It's to bad you had to miss your test and things. But at least you can make it up.

Love you so much!!

Michelle said...

OH, my Missy Dee.

You are so cute. I love how brave you are when it comes to trying new foods (not that the grape was new - but it WAS huge). Maybe one day you'll be a famous food taster/judge. :)

I'm glad you had fun over UEA break. I had fun too.

Your teeth. :/ They'll grow in eventually. At least they're pretty straight. You're beautiful!

Aninie said...

cool that looks like fun dud I'm glad you got to loose a tooth lucky ducky I wish I could loose a tooth soon!!!!!!

Plonnie said...

hope your pink eye gets better soon! i hate pink eye! it's so uncomfortable!

love the teeth picture. i can't believe you're growing up so fast!

i'll see you wednesday! i'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pat and Brent said...

Marissa - I am laughing! What a cutie you are. I loved the pictures from UEA. Looks like you had a really fun weekend.
How brave to are to eat the monster grape! You are so lucky to have such beautiful teeth. They're coming in nice and straight. Don't worry, they'll come in eventually. Thanks for the fun blog. Love you so much!

About Me

I like to play baseball and football with Aaron. I like to babysit.